Word Play Cards
Why are your best ideas getting ignored?
What makes the difference between the communications people act on and the communications they’ll ignore? The answer is rhetoric, the art of persuasive language. The ancient Greeks were the first to use rhetoric. Now, modern science is proving its powerful potential.
Research shows people believe a statement more if it rhymes or is easy to understand.
You need people to hear your message and act on it.
Word Play equips you to meet that challenge. It’s a comprehensive list of rhetorical techniques explained in easy-to-understand terms. You’ll be able to create eloquent and memorable sentences like a pro.
How does Word Play work?
Let’s face it, rhetoric isn’t easy. The Latin is unpronounceable, and the definitions are dense. So we revamped it. For each rhetorical technique, we’ve provided a simple English word and made it visual. Included is a clear definition, and a few examples.
Who does this work for?
If you’re an executive, a copywriter, a content marketer, educator, or human being, these simple cards are here to help you get your message across. Because messages without rhetoric are just noise.
As a communications coach and analyst, Peter Paskale helps presenters around the world to take to the stage by unleashing the potential power of their words. He is a contributor to the Huffington Post and hosts a weekly blog of ideas for presenters at The Presenters’ Blog.
Gavin is a founding partner at fassforward Consulting Group. He blogs about PowerPoint, presenting, communication and message discipline at Make A Powerful Point. More on Twitter.
“These cards can help any writer or speaker up their game by incorporating timeless techniques used for millennia by the best orators and authors in the world.”
– Bryce Hoffman, Wall Street Journal bestselling author
“The principles of rhetoric were sorely in need of a usability upgrade, and the cards and games are an engaging, low-impact way to bring thousands of years of thinking about argument and persuasion into the present day.”
– Michael Erard, author of Babel No More: The Search for the World’s Most Extraordinary Language Learners
“These are just the kind of tools people need to punch up a message and make sure it gets heard. I can see using these in a workshop.”
– Stephanie Evergreen, Evergreen Data
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