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“How do I plan in a world of sudden unknowns?”

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A strategic plan is a way to get from A to B. 

But, the problem we’re often faced with is — what is point B? What does it look like? Previously, scenario planning was often a long and expensive process, usually undertaken by governments, NGOs, and think tanks. That doesn’t work for most businesses. The answer is agile.

In a volatile, uncertain world, scenario planning, now more than ever, is mission-critical. But, how? It can be expensive and take more time and resources than you have. fassforward’s agile approach to creating scenarios can be done as quickly as 4-6 weeks.  

Scenario Planning is here to help you figure out what B looks like and how to re-imagine a future with political, economic, social, and technological trends making permanent shifts to your strategy.

What you get.

  • A relevant scenario(s) required to develop a strategic plan.

  • Initial assessment of risks.

  • A detailed presentation describing your scenario

Building skill and business capability.

  • You bring your domain expertise and experience in the business. We bring a proven method and a creative, engaging approach to facilitating Scenario Planning.

  • Together, we co-create through a planned series of working sessions.

  • Different points of view are important. Supplementing the team with internal experts in Risk Assessment, Strategic Planning, and Crisis Management can add depth to the process.

  • Availability is key to momentum. This process is built to be quick and effective when time is set aside.

Our course.

Our Scenario Planning training is live-online. Designed to deliver intimacy, insight, interaction, and impact. Our facilitators are experts in creating experiences, amplifying relevance, and using stories to create a connection with the content, and ‘Aha’ moments.

Let's talk!

or call us at (914) 738-7200

Setup and orientation

Scenario planning is a misnomer. It’s a plan to build a scenario and a foundation for a strategic plan. Learn about Scenario Planning and the agile methodology.


Theme development


The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed. Brainstorm key trends and factors most likely to affect your business.


​Impact and plausibility


Every crisis accelerates some slow trends and disrupts others. Develop scenario themes and assess plausibility.


Scenario narrative(s)

Data, we don’t believe. Tell me a story instead. Use storytelling to turn the themes into a cohesive scenario narrative.


Scenario presentation

The biggest risk may be doing nothing. Present final scenarios —  the risks associated and the impact on the current strategy.


Due to COVID-19, we have re-engineered all our consulting, training, and coaching services for remote work practices. Our facilitators, coaches, and consultants are all trained to successfully run remote meetings. We use a variety of technologies to make remote engagements effective and engaging.

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