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Michael Flanagan

Instructional Designer | Facilitator


Executive Advisory
Cross-functional Leadership
Organizational Development

Michael Flanagan is an Executive Advisor and Facilitator with fassforward. He passionately believes in using his talents and gifts to be a creative force in the lives of those with whom he has the privilege of working. 


Michael worked for Verizon Communications for 33 years where he held a series of leadership positions in Talent Management, Learning and Development, Executive & Leadership Development, Organization Effectiveness and Change Management. As Director – International Training & Development for Verizon, Michael led strategic initiatives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of Verizon’s international affiliates in 33 countries. 


Michael loves to travel and he is convinced that he was a Bedouin in a prior life.

My six word story

"Perpetual Optimism is a Force Multiplier."

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