Jess Gozur
Director of Partnerships and Alliances
Client Services
Content Producer
Management Consulting
Social Media Marketing
My six word story
"Steel city girl, big world dreams."
A wearer of many hats, Jess's primary role is a Global Account Manager and content producer. She partners with clients to roll out tailored learning programs.
Jess first started with fassforward as a summer intern many moons ago. Quickly catching on in the business environment, she was asked to move into a permanent role as Client Services.
While on the journey to getting her degree in Marketing, she launched fassforward’s social platforms, created marketing campaigns, and managed PR efforts. In 2016, as the company grew exponentially, she stepped into her current role as Global Account Manager. Applying her skills learned in different facets of the business, she now connects clients to content and partners in producing product. She’s been known to dabble in voice-over work, her hardest job yet.
Jess once made a 360 degree trip around the globe.